30th June-2nd July, International Conference, C. G. Jung Institute Zürich

Marian is one of a great breadth of distinguished presenters, and is running a workshop on BodyDreaming at this conference. Details of speakers, venue, etc. here.

“I Feel…Therefore, I am”

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Emotions and their Impact

International Conference, C. G. Jung Institute Zürich, Küsnacht
June 30 – July 2, 2023

© 2007 Foundation of the Works of C. G. Jung, Zürich. First appeared in W.W. Norton & Co. See explanatory Notes

© 2007 Foundation of the Works of C. G. Jung, Zürich. First appeared in W.W. Norton & Co.


We welcome you to join us as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the C. G. Jung Institute. Our hosts are the Curatorium of the C. G. Jung Institute Zurich (Evy Tausky, president) and the Board of the Training Sector (Renate Daniel, director). The Jung Institute, which was originally situated in Zurich in the building on the Gemeindestrasse, came into being in 1948 when those who had been training in analytical psychology with him became convinced that this was too valuable to be kept among a small number of future analysts and that it needed to be systematized and taught in a more organized way.

Why Emotions?

“… emotion is the alchemical fire whose warmth brings everything into existence and whose heat burns all superfluities to ashes…. emotion is the moment when steel meets flint and a spark is struck forth, for emotion is the chief source of consciousness. There is no change from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without emotion.”

C. G. Jung, Collected Works 9i, para. 179

In conjunction with the 75th anniversary celebration, we have organized this international, interdisciplinary three-day conference on the crucial topic of emotions and its relevance for analytical psychology.

C. G. Jung’s complex theory is based on the study of emotions and their embodied symptoms. Following his analysis of complexes through the association experiment in the early 20th century, emotions were viewed as the main indicators for his understanding of the individual psychodynamics. The unfolding of emotions highlights the singularity of the person, the complexity of coping mechanisms and relational patterns. Emotions are the driving forces behind our social and psychic life. They allow us to connect with ourselves, the other, and with nature. From the viewpoint of analytical psychology, beyond their importance for the individual life, emotions help us to perceive and understand collective and archetypal dynamics in society.

Contemporary psychology is experiencing a resurge of interest into the role of emotion, conscious and unconscious, and the body in various aspects of cognition, consciousness, and psychic life. An ongoing trend in neuro-scientific and psychological studies of embodied emotion emphasizes interdisciplinary perspectives and proposes the indivisibility of body and mind. In psychotherapy research and practice: attention to the interplay of emotions, bodily perceptions, and consciousness is becoming predominant.

What can analytical psychology contribute to the understanding of emotions, and what can analytical psychology learn from contemporary research on the topic? We invite you to take part in this dialogue about the legacy of Jung and contemporary research. Our aim is to foster an open dialogue between related fields in the spirit of Jung providing space for different methodologies and perspectives.

Note: Our logo image is taken from the Red Book (© W. W. Norton & Company, 2009) by C. G. Jung, page 64. In this painting by Jung, it depicts “The Opening of the Egg”.